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© Copyright 1998-2011
Reson8 Design, Inc.

pay your statement


> Settle up with us and PayPal

in an effort to accommodate our business clients and provide convenient methods by which you can make payments against your account we have set up a secure payment method using PayPal.

If you are familiar with PayPal or have never used this service, you will find it very simple to use. To get started, simply click on the button below and enter your payment (donation) amount as it appears on your statment (located in the right hand corner of the statement which was sent to you).

When completing the process, in the "Notes" area please include your statment number and business name (if different from your PayPal ID).

You wil receive a confirmation of payment received for your records and should we encounter any troubles with your payments, we will be in contact with you to make other arrangements.

Contact us
